Welcome to the South Saskatchewan Woodturners Guild

The South Saskatchewan Woodturners Guild meets on the third Tuesday of every month. We do take a summer break July & August.  While meetings generally begin at 7:00 p.m. St Mary’s Parish Hall, 2020 Winnipeg St. meetings occasionally are held at other locations. During the covid crisis some meetings will be held online using ZOOM, check your emails for more information or email SSWGuild@gmail.com.


Neil  McGregor


Gerry Craswell

Vice President

Dale Lowe


Bryan Milne

2023 - 2024

Executives, Board of Directors, and Coordinators

Directors:  Trevor Hadwen – Barry Popick – Brian Ellis – Earl Cameron – Luc Leblanc

Communication Officer: Terry Meachem

Membership Coordinator:  Cynthia Mack

Web Master: Bryan Milne




Next Meeting Dec. 10th  St. Mary’s Parish Hall  – 2020 Winnipeg St. Regina

We would like to thank Denis Beauchesne for his demonstration and Dale Lowe for the wood identification quiz.


George Goode holy bowl demo October 2024




Like to thank Windsor Plywood  920 Bower Crescent Regina  for hosting our May meeting.



Thanks to Cindy Drozda for her demonstration on April 16th.  Cindy has sent the guild the two finials that she turned during the presentation.

Artistry In Wood 2024

Show and Tell

Members work shown at the our last meeting

AAW Article by Denis Beauchesne

The August AAW Journal has an article by Denis Beauchesne. AAW has allowed us to publish it to our members.  Click to see the article.

Wood Texturing. SSWG demo by Denis Beauchesne and Dale Lowe

Doug Schneiter "Basket Illusions"

Past Meeting

Larry & Cynthia Mack Nov. AAW presentation is linked below


Like to thank Gerry Craswell for the William Pen presentation and draw.

A video of Dale Lowe’s demonstration  “cutting internal and external wood threads” from Sept 20 meeting is linked below.

Threading demo video ( excuse the audio as we had to change mics in first minutes of video).

Click here

Denis Beauchesne’s  demonstration on making a  3 legged camping stool project instructions follow.

Click this link for instructions.

Larry & Cynthia Mack’s demonstration on making a wavy bowl project is linked here.

Please see event page for information and video of presentation.

Like to thank Paul Omilon for the presentation on Sharpening tools. Paul had forward his notes to members by email.

Members donated their old glasses for ‘DoctorsWithout Boarders’. Over 60 pairs were received. Many Thanks

Denis Beauchesne’s  thoughtful presentation on colour with a Ukrainian theme is linked here.


Sheldon Jacob's Rose engine Demonstration

Trevor Dean's Presentation on work holding methods


Spring Show and Sale

In cooperation with the Regina Wood Carvers,  this spring’s show will be at a new location. Watch for the announcements.

Artistry in Wood Gallery 2022

Displays and sales by the South Saskatchewan Wood Turners & Regina Wood Carvers

Photo Gallery


Beads of Courage

Now 200 Bowls

Below are pictures from the Beads of Courage Project. Henry Peters delivering 19 of his 200 segmented bowls.  Centre photo is the 80th Beads Of Courage Bowl from Henry.  (Henry has now over 200 bowls 2021) Roy Jensen and Don Cairns at the General Hospital Pediatrics Ward with the newly donated storage cabinet for the program.

This Link is for the Canadian Beads of Courage Website which has their guidelines for wooden lidded bowls and boxes.


Videos From Past Presentations

Denis Beauchesne Finishings

Great Design

The Club would like to thank Brian Ellis for the design and construction of our new lathe chests/tables. This allows the safe storage of our 3 lathes, and conversion to a  lathe stand.


Many Thanks

The Club thanked Jon Thomas for hosting SSWG for the last 6 years at Campbell Collegiate.  Jon has been transferred to Balfour Collegiate in the fall.

Many Thanks Jon